1013 hh.exe joy.chm 1042 ID 1076 Gaming Options 1080 (none) 1084 Name 1095 You already have the maximum number of supported controllers installed.\nTo install this controller, you must remove a previously installed device. 1096 Device Assignment Error 1097 Please enter a name for the custom controller. 1098 Custom Game Controller 1099 Adds, removes, or changes settings for game controllers 1102 To add a device, you must first select a gameport. 1103 Please select a gameport... 1145 &What's This? 1151 Controller 1152 Status 1153 Are you sure you want to remove the %s? 1155 OK 1157 Not Connected 1170 Game Controllers 1177 Port 1178 You already have the maximum allowed number of custom devices.\nYou must remove one to add another. 1188 Games 1189 Voice Chat 1254 Remove Controller 40002 dijoy.hlp 40003 A custom controller by this name already exists.\nPlease choose another name. 40005 Controller names can not contain the '\' character. 40007 Internal Error! 40008 Necessary support files not found. 40009 Your Gameport or Gameport drivers are not properly configured.\nPlease consult the Device Manager. 40010 Missing Gameport or Gameport Drivers! 40012 Maximum Device Types! 40013 You must delete a device type before you will be allowed to add any further! 40014 You can not delete device types that are currently assigned. 40016 Rena&me 40019 Re&fresh 40025 The controller %s currently resides on port %s at ID %d.\nPlease remove it and or assign the device to another port. 40026 Gameport Occupied 40027 Unknown 40028 The device you have selected can not be removed from here.\nPlease use the Device Manager. 40029 \system32\RUNDLL32 syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction IHVBootStrap 128 40030 Auto-Detect Gameport 40031 The requested service is not available at your access privilege.\nPlease log in as administrator. 40032 Security Privilege Error 40033 \inf\wdmjoy.inf 40035 This device can't be renamed. 40036 Rename Device 40037 The gameport is already occupied. 40038 Add Device 40039 The destination ID is occupied. 40040 Change ID 40046 You can talk to other players while playing a game over a network. To do so, the game host, you, and the other interested players must all turn on voice chat on the selected game. Other players can play the game without turning on voice chat, but you will not be able to communicate with them. \n \nOnly games that support DirectPlay technology and did not come with voice chat capabilities are listed below. Depending on the speed of your computer and Internet connection, using voice chat could reduce the performance of the game. \n \nIf you use a gaming Web site or matchmaking service to start the game, the site or service must allow voice chat to be used with it. \n \nEach player must also select "Internet TCP/IP connection for DirectPlay" if prompted by the game.